My name is Pikachu. I am a four year old orange and white tabby cat. I live with my mom in California but I was born all the way on the other side of the country in Connecticut! When I was just six months old my mom and daddy put me in a car for a long time and we all went to Minnesota. We lived there for a long time. Then my daddy didn't live with us anymore and my mom said that we were going to California to live near my Grammy. So last month we got in the car again for a really long time and came here. It took so long I thought we were going to live in the car forever! We saw a lot of things on our trip and we even stayed with some nice people (friends of my mom's) in Colorado. I liked it best when we stayed in hotels! Now we live in a camper trailer behind my Grammy's house. Mom says we will live in an apartment again someday when she has a job. Hopefully once we get there my traveling days will be over!
Here is some more stuff about me: I was born with something called a "heart murmur" that means there is a sound in my heart. When I was two my doctor said I had a heart problem called "hypertropic cardiomyopathy" which meant my heart didn't work so good. My mom got really sad when they told her about it, but I didn't feel sick so I told her it was okay. After that I had to take medicine everyday. First it was just a little white pill, but then one day when I was three I got really sick late at night. I couldn't breathe right because there was lots of water in my nose and throat. I didn't feel good at all so I just laid on the floor and called for my mommy and daddy to come help me. Even though it was the middle of the night they heard me and woke up. Mommy was crying and they picked me up and brought me to the special hospital downtown. When I got there they put me in a clear plastic box where the air tasted really good. At first I just laid there but soon the medicine they gave me and the yummy air made it easier to breathe. I stayed in that place for a few days, mom and dad came to visit but they didn't stay there. It was scary but I felt so bad that I didn't even notice. Finally daddy took me home, I still didn't feel so good but I was getting better. Now I am all back to normal. I am a happy, playful kitty. I still take medicine (now I take a liquid, a little pill, and a big pill) but I don't feel sick anymore. I love to play with my mom, watch birds out the window, take naps, eat cat food, sleep, climb on places mom says I shouldn't be, doze, lay in the sun, and eat snacks. Those are my favorite things. Well now you know all about me!